Clean and affordable energy for everyone is the biggest challenge of our time. As one of the first applications, solar energy has been used for the production of hot water. In the last decades millions of so-called solar thermal systems were installed in Europe, Asia and Australia. The advantage of this application is that energy storage takes place in a water storage tank. In addition, solar thermal systems have higher efficiencies than photovoltaic solar systems.
Nevertheless, photovoltaic solar systems are now much more popular. The main reasons are the lower costs and the simpler installation. Most photovoltaic solar systems are connected to the power grid, which takes on a certain memory function but also takes a lot of losses into account. In the meantime, however, the electricity network is temporarily and locally overloaded because the generation and consumption of photovoltaic solar energy does not coincide with consumption either temporally or locally.
Together with universities, Nexol has developed a novel photothermal water heater that combines the advantages of photovoltaic and solar thermal energy, while avoiding the above-mentioned problems. Depending on the temperature of the water tank, up to four watt-hours of thermal energy can be obtained with the help of one watt-hour of electrical energy. As a result, a system efficiency similar to solar thermal systems can be achieved. Furthermore, the heat pump effect of the semiconductor achieves competitive energy costs.
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