Newscrush is a collaborative tool to share and read web articles and highlight core information.
Post and share great articles and videos from the web with your team while highlighting the core information within. By using gamification leverages, Newscrush shows the activity on the platform: who read the articles, comment or rate them. The source of information is emphasized to invit the team to have a look at it and to learn where to find great articles or papers.
Each article has specific tags that helps retreive and sort them. An advanced search engine sorts by source, time, user, text… We are working to connect this search engine with different sources and external platforms to be able not only to share articles but to be a curated platform.
Create Newsletters to share your research to a wider audience or post best articles directly to Social Network to work with employer brand.
Newscrush helps manager for the digital transformation and bring digital culture to all collaborators in 4 steps:
1-Active competitive watchers of the company create team on a collaborative watch tools and feed the solution with articles.
2-Invite all teams of your company while gamification is ensuring onboarding and retention.
3-Create a challenge to incentive every employee to be turned in an active watchers and post articles,
4-When corpus of article are created, an AI based on Trafalgraph technology suggests missed and connexed articles.