The New Jersey Public Safety Accreditation Coalition is a nonprofit organization that, for more than a 15 years, has mentored hundreds of CALEA and NJSACOP Accreditation Managers in New Jersey and surrounding states to achieve and maintain accreditation with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP). The Coalition is New Jersey’s only independent accreditation institution not affiliated or associated with any credentialing commission. We independently and confidentially serve the needs of public safety organizations and their chief executive officers who are seeking accreditation as a means to pursue professional excellence.
We support and encourage agencies and personnel to meet international performance standards through various accreditation programs and the work of many credentialing commissions, including:
Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies
New Jersey Law Enforcement Accreditation Program
International Association of Campus Law Enforcement
New York State Law Enforcement Accreditation Program
IADLEST Training Accreditation
Commission on Accreditation for Corrections
Commission on Correctional Health Care
Commission on Fire Accreditation International
Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services
Commission on Emergency Management Accreditation