We have a dream...
to create and celebrate a New Energy World
New Energy World is a multi-faceted company at the forefront of green initiatives, emerging technologies and sustainability around the world. Built on traditions of the past, but with a consistent vision towards the future, we are taking all steps to bring forward a New Energy World.
New Energy World is about pushing the boundaries of change in the world. We strive to take each and every asset and positive relationship we can gather and create a synergetic flow of changes to make the world a better place. Our goal is to ambitiously explore into the world of green initiatives and sustainability with curiosity and a deep resonance for change.
Each part of our company, from live events, to digital media, to mobile games are built with a single principle in mind--to support the development of sustainable communities and real life changes that will protect the future for generations to come.
We have a sincere belief that the next step in the evolution of mankind is towards and healthier and more sustainable world.