Leading • Supporting • Collaborating
Network Cork is a progressive, dynamic and voluntary organisation supporting the Professional and Personal Development of Women in Cork Region.
We are part of Network Ireland, which has 15 branches nationally. At present we are the largest of all the national branches with over 200 Members.
Our membership is made up of a very diverse group of people from employees, budding entrepreneurs, SME owners, professionals, to those on a career-break and leaders in all types of organisations from indigenous and multinational organisations to non-profits, charities, arts and public sector.
Some of our benefits are:
✔️ Monthly Networking Events
✔️ Mentoring
✔️ Peer to Peer Support
✔️ Businesswoman Awards
✔️ Business Development & Referrals
✔️ Build (Increase) Personal & Business Brand
✔️ Build (increase) Professional Network & Influence
Non-members are welcome to attend our events by purchasing a ticket via Eventbrite and all are welcome at our events.
For membership enquiries, please visit https://networkireland.ie/membership/ or email our Membership Team corkmembership@networkireland.ie.
To keep up-to-date with our events, please follow our Eventbrite page here: https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/network-cork-2624689108, and check out our social media channels:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/network-cork
Twitter: @NetworkCork
Instagram: @networkcorkirl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetworkCork/
Looking forward to meeting you soon!
Network Cork Committee