The Netherlands – Asia Honours Summer School (NAHSS) is a national honours program that aims to let excellent Dutch students experience Asia by means of a summer program. The Asian continent is of ever increasing importance to Dutch universities, companies, government ministries and students. That is why leading Dutch and Asian multinationals, Dutch and Asian governmental bodies and all Dutch research universities joined forces to execute this program and form a unique triple helix network that invests in the future of Dutch students by enabling an Asia-oriented experience. The summer program includes academic- , business-, and cultural aspects and offers a talented group of multidisciplinary students the opportunity to prepare themselves for the ever-changing labour market and makes them aware of the opportunities that Asia offers. The NAHSS was initiated by Utrecht University, Delft University, McKinsey & Company, AkzoNobel and PwC in 2012. After four successful editions, in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, the program is set to continue with outstanding quality in 2016. This year, 100 outstanding students will participate in a summerschool in Beijing, Chengdu, Hong Kong or Taipei and an adjacent business week in Shanghai.