We promote the development of ESG intelligence (NeoAnalytics) for businesses in the forestry, agricultural and graphic sectors, among others, with a focus on increasing ESG performance and sustainability of products and services.
Neocert is an internationally accredited certifier for FSC®️ (FSC-A000544) and PEFC (28-44-08)/ CERFLOR (44-08) certification in forest management and chain of custody, it is FSC Training Provider (ASI-TP-007 ) for the training of auditors of the FSC system, and works with animal welfare certification.
We operate in Brazil and Europe, focusing on agile and simplified processes. With a team with more than 15 years of experience in the forestry area, we offer personalized service with expertise.
We also carry out third-party verifications in Due Diligence processes, carbon emissions inventory, compliance assessment, impact assessment, risk assessment (ESG Risk Rating) and Selo Agro Mulher Diversa. In the area of corporate education, it promotes training of people and teams to improve the socio-environmental performance of companies.
Neocert is also authorized to carry out independent forestry audits (AFI) in public forestry concession contracts (ORDINANCE No. 116, OF MARCH 11, 2021 by Inmetro).
Want to know more about Neocert? Contact us!
Environmental Services
HQ Location
Avenida Comendador Pedro Morganti, 4965. Monte Alegre.
Usina de Inovação, Casa 10
Piracicaba, SP 13415-000, BR
Certificação FlorestalCertificação AgrícolaServiços EcossistêmicosTreinamento e CapacitaçãoSoluções Inovadoras para SustentabilidadeSistema de Due DiligenceCertificação SocioambientalNegócios de ImpactoMentorias para StartupsRastreabilidade