Neilson Park Creative Centre is a community centre focused on the arts.
Established in 1992 in central Etobicoke to provide a permanent home for the community arts groups who continue working there today, Neilson Park Creative Centre also offers a variety of classes and workshops to the community and provides an excellent gallery space available for rental.
NPCC is a purpose-built creative arts facility operated by a non-profit corporation and managed by its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors includes representatives from its Resident Groups and the community.
The building is leased from the City of Toronto who support the organization through the provision of services that keep the facility operating smoothly.
The six Resident Groups who operate their programs at NPCC are:
Etobicoke Handweavers and Spinners
Etobicoke Quilters Guild
Etobicoke Rugcrafters
Humber Valley Art Club
The Etobicoke Art Group
Calligraphic Arts Guild of Toronto
This fully accessible facility has four studios, 2 gallery spaces, administrative offices and support spaces.