On the small Island of Funen, in the heart of Denmark, the story of Naturfrisk begins in 1997, when Niels Rømer and his son Nicolai bought the abandoned ‘Ørbæk Bryggeri’, a brewery established in 1906.
In the brewery Niels and Nicolai started the world’s first commercial production of organic carbonated soft drinks. Later, other kinds of soft drink were introduced, and in 2001 the brewery once again began making beer — all organic, naturally.
Since 2009 single malt whisky also became part of the portfolio, and in 2017 Niels and Nicolai revived the historical train workshop of the Danish national rail company in Nyborg, and turned it into a beautiful distillery for organic spirits.
In Naturfrisk Group we believe in nature, and that food products should be as natural as possible. Without artificial ingredients, pesticides or other things that don’t do good for man or nature.
In harmony with nature and the environment, we want to create indulgent beverages for people. That’s our mission.
Food Production, Beers, Beverages, Agriculture & Food
HQ Location
Assensvej 38
Ørbæk, Syddanmark 5853, DK
BeerSoft DrinksSpiritsRestaurantSchoonerBeveragesand Organic