Our Mission: To create an inclusive, and equitable ecosystem that breaks down barriers and promotes economic empowerment for founders, business leaders, CEOs, changemakers, innovators, and those who wish to impact change, and support the Women's Business Centers, their Directors and staff to thrive.
The NWBCN Foundation is a 501(c)(3)and was established in conjunction with the introduction of the National Women's Business Community Network, Inc. in order to provide grants and scholarship award for qualifying women-led business, women-led nonprofit and Women's Business Centers with the Give-Back program.
You do not need to do this alone. Being a founder is not easy.
Each day is filled with challenges, some related to the business, and others trying to figure our the carpool to school. No matter where you are in your journey, you will benefit from expanding your network of support and resources. From developing your brand, logo, and social media marketing, to writing your first grant application or loan package, we are here to not only provide valuable resources but additionally connect you to Women's Business Centers in your region for additional support.
What you need, is a community of like minded women who are on similar journeys and by linking arms with them, all with rise. We invite you to join us.