National Trust Holding Company (NTHC) Limited is the pioneer of investment banking firms in Ghana. It has accumulated decades of experience and expertise since its establishment in 1976 under the auspices of the National Investment Bank to serve as a catalyst for the creation of a stock exchange in Ghana. NTHC started business soon after incorporation and was authorized to operate as a National Mutual Fund in that same year.
Our core business activities are Securities Trading, Investment Management, Registrar Services, Corporate Finance, and Investment Research. In addition to our core business, NTHC, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, NTHC Properties Ltd. develops and sells properties. NTHC has acted as, and continues to act as Trustees for Governments’ interest in companies since 1979.
In recognition of our ability to design and deliver high quality and innovative financial products, we have on three occasions won the prestigious EUROMONEY AWARD.
The shareholders of NTHC are Social Security & National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), State Insurance Company (SIC), National Investment Bank (NIB), AccreCon Consulting and NTHC Provident Fund.