NHSF (UK) was founded over 20 years ago because Hindu community leaders and students recognized that Hindu students had the potential to change the outlook of society. Upon launch, initial activities included campaigns and conferences that aimed to engage Hindu students with issues affecting society.
Today, we have grown to host over 4,000 active student members and form a network of thousands of alumni and professionals, all engaging in a variety of activities from campaigning and leadership development to bhakti (worship) and Sewa (selfless service).
NHSF (UK) works in a dynamic way on many different levels. At a university level, we work through our chapters that form the bulk of the NHSF (UK) family, i.e. Hindu societies. These chapters work independently to cater for the needs of their local student population whilst taking guidance and support from the National Committee. Beyond that, we categorize these chapters into one of four zones: North, Central, South and London. The purpose of these zones is to encourage interaction between members beyond the bounds of their university and encourage collaboration. Finally, nationally, we host 5 events including our national training days, sports competition, learning event and AGM as well as several national initiatives. These national initiatives allow members from across the country to share and converse with one another, regardless of the university they are based at, and are coordinated by the National Committee or NatCom.
Through each of these initiatives and platforms, we hope to encourage Hindu youth in Higher Education to contribute more to society and ultimately to our vision: to Protect, Preserve, Practice and Promote Hindu Dharma.