National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) is a prestigious national research university in Taiwan, with a fast-growing reputation in Asia and the world. (QS, THE, US.News) As Taiwan's most liberal and democratic university, NDHU is one of the seven top universities selected by the European Union Centre to serve as Taiwan's think tank for European Union Studies.
NDHU also serves as Taiwan's leading think tank for indigenous studies. It is funded by the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Republic of China (Taiwan), and both share an extraordinary partnership.
NDHU offers a wide range of academic disciplines, covering 6th most fields in Taiwan, such as Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Business, Education, Indigenous Studies, Arts, Design, Music, Environmental Studies, Oceanology, Sciences, Engineering, and Computer Science.
NDHU strives to contribute to the world through excellent academic research, talent development, and building an exceptional environment that fosters academic and social excellence.
國立東華大學,被譽為花東縱谷裡的學術殿堂,創立於1994年7月1日,從無到有,篳路藍縷,一磚一瓦的把學校從甘蔗田與芒草花叢裡建設起來,除為臺灣培育高等教育人才外,更肩負發展臺灣東岸之責。 自創校以來,除專心校內之建設、學術研究與教學外,更積極致力於創造臺灣社會影響力,辦理各類進修研習課程,提昇地方人力資源;同時開放校內各項資源,如圖書館、體育園區、講堂等設施,供地方民眾、學校使用,以達資源分享;本校師生亦積極投入地方教育、文化、社區等工作,實地參與、協助並指導各類活動。尤其對東部地區公、教人員的在職進修與研習的推動最具成效,服務範圍南北長達近四百公里。