“Our purpose is to help our members who are currently in or have successfully come through a financial crisis, take back control of their finances and credit, allowing them to achieve their financial dreams.”
We accomplish this mission by deleting or correcting inaccurate and unverifiable information on your credit reports, providing you with access to resources not normally available to “non-credit worthy” consumers, settle outstanding debt and giving you the tools and education needed for a lifetime of good credit.
As far as National Credit Federation goes we are one of the oldest most trusted credit restoration companies in the nation. We have been featured in Forbes magazine, USA Today, Yahoo Finance and 30+ other major news outlets. We have an A+ rating with the BBB and over 600 + testimonies on our website from previous happy clients. Not to mention our CEO just co-authored a book with Steve Forbes that was a #1 Best Seller on Amazon, and we are currently working with two sharks from ABC's shark tank on some other business ventures.