National Cancer Center was founded by Dr. J. Ernest Ayre in 1953 as a non-profit organization committed to research and education about cancer. Dr. J. Ernest Ayre was a pioneer in refining and promoting the Pap test for women. Dr. Ayre was also one of the first researchers to recognize the enormous potential of Interferon for cancer treatment.
Dr. Ayre’s dedication and accomplishments have been the standard for the work we have carried forward for over 60 years. We are currently assisting researchers at a number of universities including Duke University, Yale Univiversity, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, John Hopkins University, and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
National Cancer Center is dedicated to seek out and provide financial support to researchers undertaking thorough, innovative, and promising studies on topics related to conquering cancer.
Despite the development of new and effective treatments for various forms of cancer, many patients still succumb to this disease. Novel approaches are needed to improve patient outcomes and to develop a better understanding of how and why cancer develops in different tissues in the first place.
Fundamental research is often carried out by post-doctoral scientists and physicians who, working under the mentorship of established professional investigators, are at the beginning of their scientific careers.
Financial support for these young scientists is keenly important in order to train the next generation of cancer researchers and continue the rapid progress that is being made in the development of new cancer therapies. And it is this specific and critical financial support which NCC provides through contributions from donors like you.