The NATIONAL CADASTRE & MAPPING AGENCY S.A. company is a Legal Entity of Private Law and its mission is the study, development and operation of the Hellenic Cadastre.
The company was founded with a joint decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the Minister of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (Decision 81706/6085/6-10-1995/Government Gazette 872Β/19-10-1995). NCMA S.A. operates according to the rules of private finance and the provisions of article 5 of Law 2229/1994, of the coded Law 2190/1920, of Law 2308/1995 and Law Ν.2664/1998, as these stand today. Furthermore, the company does not fall under the class of organizations and businesses of the broader state sector; regulations that concern companies directly or indirectly owned by the State do not apply to NCMA S.A.
The sole shareholder of the company is the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.
288 Messogion Ave., 155 62 Athens
Tel.: +30 2106505600
Fax: +30 2106537723
Thessaloniki Regional Centre:
136 Tsimiski Str., 546 21 Thessaloniki
Tel.: + 30 2310370500
Fax: +30 2310370513