We are the town of Clarkstown’s Premier EMS Agency serving Nanuet, West Nyack, Bardonia, and parts of Spring Valley & New City in Rockland County, NY. We are dispatched by the Clarkstown police Department in conjunction with Rockland Paramedics ALS Fly Cars.
Our fleet consists for four (4) NYS BLS Ambulances and two (2) NYS BLS Fly Cars. We respond to over 3,200 9-1-1 calls each year!
Our operations team consists of the following ranks and individuals:
Chief Jonathan Delgado, M.S.
Assistant Chief Matthew Zoda
Lieutenant Supply Joseph Weber
Lieutenant Training Desiree LaFrancois
Lieutenant Scheduling Ricard Dashi
Lieutenant Communications Alvin Reny
Engineering Officer Joseph Farsetta
Our administration consists of the following positions and individuals:
President Anthony Pelliccio
Treasurer William Weber
Secretary Lindsay Mitcher
Board Member Evan Kushner (Chairman)
Board Member Marc Habif
Board Member Barbara Wallenstein