The Scientific and Production Agricultural Association NanoAgricole, specializing on the producing and selling of high- technological chelated microfertilizers for different kinds of crops. All the products of the company are distributed under the trademark NanoAgricole TM. The central managing office is situated in Ukraine.
The aim of the presented company is increasing of productiveness of agriculture, gaining of ecologocally pure, biologically various and alimetary and fodder products, that presents the global urgency, because it`s the base for solving demographical, economical, ecological, social and other problems which provide national security and life quality of population.
The company presents the chelated complex of microelements with biostimulants that is the effective technologically available, ecologically harmless, ecomically competitive preparation, which enhences biological prodactivity of crops in the adverse environmental conditions.
The production of the company is directed onto the Central, Easten and Western regions of African Сontinent due to development of agriculture in this area. Last years showed that the climatic figures, also the appropriate soil conditions and the potential of developing countries of Africa allows to invest considerable funds, thus to acquire high-quality production. In the sphere of modern agriculture the introducton of active, and what is important, harmless fertilizers is the vital issue.