Track the player anywhere with one single camera 2D / 3D 360-degree view without any special tools and cameras. this 'patent' is made by 3.5 million human videos and got various titles and awards internationally.
Latest artificial intelligence markerless motion tracking technology that you never have seen before, we reached out to cutting-edge technology, The auto-track 3D 360-degree view generator tech with '1 single camera'. The new big game changer in many industries. decrease the cost of using labs and tools by 500K Euros, eliminates a lot of the problems that arise from wearable sensors, especially when worn in hot and humid climates. Slipping, because any camera even your 'PC or phone camera' can be used, getting 2D/3D performance analysis by uploading/capturing videos.
Summary of products :
-Automatic motion tracking analysis system 2D & 3D Generator (Lab in your Pocket), providing markerless tracking with state-of-the-art technology without the need for expensive hardware. Useable in many industries.Providing services for sports technique analysis and 'rehabilitation professionals'. Endorsed by Qatar Olympic Committee.
-Digital Marketing and improving the performance with the latest smart sports simulators based on Ai technology and collaboration with legendary 'Diego Maradona' foundation, 'Qatar Airways' by Ai-based Maradona Penalty kick simulation and 'Lionel Messi' Ooredoo trial ahead & during the FIFA World Cup 2022. And we have possibilities of +60 sports and 1900 challenges like Soccer& Padel, Golf, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Basketball, Water sports, cricket and etc.
* 1st place International innovation award winner ExpoDubai 2022 in Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain technology competition (AIBC)
* Best digital solution in Qatar for FIFA and Beyond 2022 Legacy in Ooredoo technology competition,
* top Sports startups of Qatar Sports Tech 2021.
* Eligible technology in Microsoft from 2021-2023.
Many more successes and updates soon ...