NEO improves location based information
NEO assists governments and businesses in the sustainable improvement of location based information. Better information enhances decision taking and planning. In this way we contribute to this rapidly changing world. Earth Observation is important here.
SignalEyes is our work process (ISO9001:2008). SignalEyes takes on the work process of clients, without changing them or building in software and improves the quality of information. SignalEyes is discernible by its transparency, speed, measurable quality and of course by your cost savings.
In The Netherlands NEO structures large scale topography in modern object-oriented management information (BGT, cityGML). Our products to achieve these goals are called Check, Fix and Update. In Update NEO secures and updates information at the required quality level using earth observation. is our service providing up-to-date very high resolution images of The Netherlands as a web service.
NEO supplies actual information on pavement and roads, trees and forests, buildings and urbanism, parcels and land use, water and soil moisture, etc. We supply information from anywhere on the planet.
Information Services, Ingenieursbureaus, Bedrijf en professionele diensten, Fotografie en fotografen, Fotografie, Kunst en cultuur
HQ Location
Stadsring 65D
Amersfoort, Ned NL-3811HM, NL
Earth observationchange detectionBGTBAGsteenbreeksignaleyesmutatiesignaleringklimaatadaptieremote sensingAI