Established in 2007, Norwegian Estonian Chamber of Commerce (NECC, in Norwegian: Norsk-Estisk Handelskammer, in Estonian: Norra-Eesti Kaubanduskoda) is a non-profit membership based business association for companies with Norwegian-Estonian share capital, management or co-operation.
We facilitate professional networking, seminars of interests, provide relevant information regarding both Estonia and Norway and promote Norwegian companies, competence and business values.
NECC’s activities are carried out in close cooperation between the Norwegian Embassy as well as Innovation Norway, thus providing the members with access to an active corporate network and to political environment as well as Norwegian funding possibilities.
NECC is the founding member of Foreign Investors’ Council in Estonia (FICE) and one of the largest charities in Estonia - Aitan Lapsi which is supporting children’s visits to theatre, participation in the education programme of art museums and reading programmes