NAREA is a private, not-for-profit, membership organization, seeking to Promote Real Estate Business, to Develop & Better Structure the Real Estate Sector and to be the Leading Professional Interests Representative of Real Estate Actors in Albania.
Established on 2016, NAREA, is the home of Real Estate Agents, Brokers and Franchisors in Albania.
Today, NAREA finds itself not only in the position of leader in the real estate sector in Albania, the only real estate business organization in country, the largest among professional and trade organizations, representing over 500 members, but also, and more importantly, in that of the promoter of ethical and compliance-based business practices while working alongside in partnership with the national public institutions.
NAREA, is the strategic partner of NAR- National Association of REALTORS® (with its presence in Washington DC), not only in Albania, but also in the region, making possible in Albania the NAR Academy, the best known internationally in real estate, through providing of 20 International Professional Designations and Certifications and to more than 100 minicourses.
Starting from January 2023, NAREA is a member with full rights of CEPI- European Association of RE Professions. With its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, CEPI is the only pan-European umbrella association with a total membership of 37 national real estate associations representing 25 European Countries (member states and non-member states).
The Association is the Influential Voice of Real Estate Professionals' Interest all over the nation, #OpeningDoors at State Institutions, of Know-How and of High Ethical Business Standard.
@NAREA, we are a Unique and very special team of INTEGRITY people, real TALENTS, CHANGE chasers, CHALLENGE seekers and RESILIENT Entrepreneurs and Professionals.
We’re an agile organization, living on the edges, every day with the mission of #OpeningDoors, better Representing the Interest, and Creating the best Values for Real Estate Actors in Albania.
NAREA is #YourEdgeInRealEstate.