Attracting the right people for your business is incredibly important, but it also swallows up lots of time! Writing job descriptions, appealing job ads, thinking up interview questions, deciding which assessments to use, making the process inclusive ...……the list goes on.
That’s why we created MyHiringBuddy!
We bring all the recruitment know how you'll ever need into one place, to make your hiring life easier, quicker and better. Whether you’re a busy hiring manager, a recruiter or a HR professional, we’ll help you save time and produce great hiring results.
When you subscribe to MyHiringBuddy you'll get instant access to a wide range of resources and interactive tools, such as:
- MyInterviewBuilder - accessing a bank of over 450 competency based interview questions you can create a customised set of questions to reflect the level and type of hire your making to the level of hire your making within minutes.
- Our 8 step guide will help you craft the most effective adverts to attract the best talent for your business.
- Use expert reviews will help you decide which Psychometric Assessment tools or Video Technologies might deliver the best results for you.
- Consult our best practise guides, and top tips to help make improvements across the entirely of your recruitment lifecycle, from creating the role profile, attracting more diverse candidates, to creating an inclusive hiring experience and positive onboarding process.
MyHiringBuddy is your 'go to' resource for better, quicker and more effective hiring.