We believe in a world where the most important currency is the support from those we already know, love and trust. We are on a mission to revive the sense of community we have strayed from and allow technology to make us human again. When you light up your beacon, you are connecting with your personal action network. MyBeacon mobile app takes the anxiety out of asking for help with a simple prompt: “What are you dealing with?” so that you can share what you need to your selected friends, family and extended support network. Each person can offer to help with the click of a button and the app is integrated with everyday technologies so that all coordination is handled for you! MyBeacon makes it easy for the helpers in our lives to show up when times are hard or when you just need to borrow a cup of sugar -- no more confusing IM / email threads, group text messages or hoping someone answers the phone when you just need a quick favor. Be of service, let others be of service to you.