My Single Point - PLAN TO EXECUTE
Close The Gap Between Planning And Execution For All Levels
MySP Execution Suites integrate into your corporate IT systems, empower your digitization transformation and ensure your plan performance by the orchestration of relevant data, processes and resources. MySP enables you to overcome barriers and close the gap between planning and execution.
+ Break down each goal and objective into granular pieces, assign specific tasks with KPIs to accountable people, and monitor the process. Eliminate every barrier until your goals are realized.
+ Harness technology to connect business processes, resources and activities so that every employee and manager understand how their roles integrate with their goals and what they need to accomplish to fulfill those goals, down to the level of their daily work routine.
+ Integrate all business process systems providing consistent and reliable data as well as actionable insights.
MySP Execution Suites include:
- Strategy and Goal Management
- Budget Portfolio Management
- Project & Portfolio Management (PPM)
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