My Life My Say (MLMS) is a youth-led, non-partisan organisation on a mission to empower young people to participate in democracy by creating spaces for dialogue across communities and generations. My Life My Say also provides young and socially excluded citizens with the tools to lead change within society through our Young Leaders programme.
We’re a team of diverse and talented young individuals who are passionate about rebranding politics and removing the barriers that prevent young people from engaging and participating in the decision-making process.
Since its inception, MLMS has engaged with 41,000 young people face-to-face and 80% of our events took place outside of London, including all regions of the UK and Europe.
MLMS focuses on youth engagement by making politics fun and inclusive to young people. Through advocacy, MLMS seeks to represent the views of young people to stakeholders and decision-makers at a local, national and international level. MLMS also hosts the Common Futures Forum which aims to inspire and connect young people alongside democracy cafés which brings together diverse members of local communities.
In 2018, MLMS won the Change Maker of the Year Award. The award recognises an organisation that has put a new idea forward to increase access to democracy, convinced others of the merit of their idea and affected a real change that benefits the greater good.