In a field wrought with multiple players, and a few with any success, the Muslim Harmony advantage brings an innovative approach that promises success. Our aim is to change the societal paradigms surrounding matchmaking for Muslims, and make marriage easy for the Muslim community just like our religion accomplished centuries ago. Our goal is to put the importance squarely on the concepts of successful marriages and ensure that we are providing the community with a reliable outlet which guarantees compatibility and harmony. Unlike other systems which leave the matching up to the client, we use years of expertise and sophisticated methods to provide you with appropriate matches, leaving out any conjectures from the process.
We have also done considerable research into why marriages, including Muslim ones, are increasingly susceptible to divorce or separation. We have worked to ensure that these issues are remedied and our methods are designed to avoid such setbacks. Oftentimes superficial matters are given more consideration than factors of higher importance which tend to be overlooked. Our research, including that of many leading experts in this field, suggests that congruency and similarity at all levels is a requirement for successful married bliss. We keep these truths in mind when matching, and aspire for healthy and thriving Muslim families in the end.