Music Theatre Philly's is a professional training ground for children and teens. We cultivate a creative, encouraging, and disciplined environment, while maintaining the integrity of Musical Theatre. Our programs are designed to build confidence, respect, and teamwork, while helping individuals find their personal voice through artistic training. Our classes are divided by age which allows each group of students to feel confident that they are on the same playing field of development with their peers. Each class is specifically designed to fit our students and is customized for their skill and interest level.
HQ Location
262 S. 12th St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107, US
Musical Theatre trainingArtistic developmentConfidence buildingRespect cultivationTeamwork promotion
Professional training for children and teensMusical Theatre classesAge-specific classes
performing artsrts educatiopreschoolmusical theatrectingcesingingtheaterelementary school