Mumbler HQ is the parent company for the well-established network of Mumbler websites that provide free online communities and information hubs for parents and carers across the UK.
As a brand that has become synonymous with trust & support, our network of Mumbler franchises offer a variety of multi-channel advertising opportunities for local, regional and national businesses to engage our 1.6 million annual users.
For more information on how we can help your organisation do this contact us at or speak to our Business Development Manager, Sarah Smith, on 07948 373027.
Unlike other well-known parenting websites that predominantly maintain a national focus with at best, a county or regional local presence, the Mumbler model is fundamentally based on creating a hyper-local identity. As such, our franchises are linked to a specific town or city borough covering populations of between 50,000 and 250,000.
The first Mumbler site was established in Harrogate in 2012 with the first franchises rolling out across Yorkshire in 2015. Such was the success of this model that we accelerated this programme in 2016 to begin creating a national network of franchises. As of March 2018 we have 19 live sites with a further 3 in development and a target of 100 sites across the UK by 2023.
Through this network of Mumbler sites we reach 180,000+ users a month as well as manage a Facebook community of 59,000 members and a combined social media reach of 139,000 followers. Our user demographic is 89% women with 69% being between the ages of 25-44 years old.
Owning a Mumbler franchise offers franchisees the opportunity to run a business from home with little, if any, overheads whilst balancing work around family commitments and lifestyle choices to create long-term residual income. (See for more details).