Move This World is a proactive and preventative mental health platform for students, staff, and families in PreK-12. Its easy-to-implement and MTSS aligned programs deliver thousands of engaging and participatory multimedia experiences that create a common language, support social emotional development, and build stronger school communities where learning thrives. Move This World’s evidence-based results have impacted the lives of over 4 million students across 45 states and 9 countries.
E-Learning Providers
HQ Location
16 Court Street
Ste 504
Brooklyn, New York 11241, US
Mental health platform developmentSocial emotional learningMultimedia experience creationSchool community buildingEvidence-based results implementation
Proactive and preventative mental health platformEasy-to-implement programsMTSS aligned programsEngaging and participatory multimedia experiencesCommon language creationSocial emotional development supportStronger school community building
social emotional learningSELemotional intelligenceschool cultureschool climatemental healthempathy educatiocivic engagementconflict resolutioleadership development