MOSQOY is a registered Canadian charitable organization that aims to mitigate adverse effects of unsustainable tourism and development in the Peruvian Andes. We do so by collaborating with highland Quechua communities to provide educational and economic opportunities that nurture their threatened indigenous culture.
We operate two social enterprises, Mosqoy Peruvian Textiles and Mosqoy Field School, which support our three charitable programs: 1) the T'ikary Youth Program, which supports the most promising but marginalized youth of the region to pursue post-secondary education; 2) the Q'ente Textile Program, which works with women artisans to revitalize the textile tradition through capacity-building and fair-trade market outlets; and 3) the Mink'a Knowledge Exchange Program, which educates Canadian youth and public about how to be more responsible travellers and consumers, through workshops, lectures, and responsible tours.
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