“Moru” is the combination of two acronyms “MO" and “RU”, representing Mobile Rupee(Digital Currency) when used together.
Moru Digital Wallet is operational in Android, IOS and Web, which has been currently offering free registration, free add money, free bank transfer and free bill payments to wallet users.
The mother company of Moru is Pay Nep Pvt. Ltd.
Established in 2017 under the Companies Act 2063 with a paid-up capital of 60 Million NRS, Pay Nep Pvt. Ltd. is a digital payment service provider (PSP) which provides mobile-based and web-based payment services, in collaboration with the various banks and financial institutions, merchants, microfinance etc.
As a Payment service provider (PSP), Pay Nep will offer shops online and over the counter services for accepting electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including mobile wallet, and bank-based payments such as direct debit, bank transfer, cards, and real-time bank transfer based on online banking using a software as a service model and form a single payment gateway for their clients (merchants) to multiple payment methods. Pay Nep will also provide a platform for sellers and buyers to come together online through Kinmel, and delivery of goods as well. Pay Nep will further provide a hassle free salary disbursement mechanism. All the services of Pay Nep will be available through its flagship, MORU digital wallet. It will operate under “MORU” brand name for commercial purpose.