Morgan & Banks Consulting is a Multinational Executive Search Firm, established by Geoff Morgan and Andrew Banks in Australia of 1985.
Entering Korea as Morgan & Banks Korea in 1999 and 2008, for about seven years, it has performed numerous domestic/foreign corporate recruitment works.
With accumulated experience of many projects in HR Consulting area such as reference service and interview observation service, currently, many consultants from Morgan & Banks are actively working in Australia, the Middle East, and many other countries.
Newly starting as a Total HR Consulting Company specialized in head-hunting service, dispatching, and out-sourcing service in March 2016, Morgan & Banks Consulting is promising to provide the best service to customers and applicants, based on its global system and standardized process.
2503-1, Trade Tower, 511 YeongDong Daero, GangnamGu, Seoul, Korea
+82 02-6000-3650 /