Preeminent construction law firm in southern California since 1952. We serve all of California, Arizona, Washington, and many other states, depending on the dispute. We offer legal services to meet the needs of our clients. We practice in state and federal courts, as well as al arbitration forums. We have over 180 years of combined experience in both public and private works of improvement, from the bidding process all the way through to claims dispute resolutions, be it by mediation, arbitration or trial.
HQ Location
725 S. Figueroa Street
Suite 3200
Los Angeles, California 90017-5446, US
Construction lawDispute resolutionMediationArbitrationBidding processClaims dispute resolutionPublic worksPrivate worksState court litigationFederal court litigation
Legal servicesConstruction lawMediation servicesArbitration servicesTrial services
Construction LawBusiness LawReal Estate LawEstate Planning Law