The story began in 2001. The founding fathers of the company, who are largely all still part of our team in 2021, started working together 24 years ago at CA-IB Securities Ltd., what was at that time the most successful player on the market. It was here that the approach took shape which would define the character and values of the company we would go on to establish and which we hope still today sets us apart from the rest of the market. From the very beginning we have sought to fuse the “order” and transparency which the banking sector demands with the flexibility and rapid response required on the capital markets.
We set ourselves the goal of creating a business platform ideally suited to supporting the processes inherent in investment services, right from the first client meeting through to the point of settling the deal, in such a way that everything is organically integrated into the company’s business, legal and IT environment.
Our website was conceived as a means of conveying the philosophy which drives Monolith in supporting our present and prospective clients in selling their investment products. We feel it is important to demonstrate how we view an account management product and related services it involves, and how we envision our relationship to our partners.