Moms are creators. We create life. We create love. We create homes. And some of us create things with our words.
The catalyst for this project was a cry for friends who would get it. For other women who were trying to create and get the words and stories out of their heads. Who were struggling to fit everything in. Who were doing it all and still struggling to do anything.
So I reached out. And those people came.
It turns out there are so many of us. So many of us that scribble things on random pieces of paper or tap them into our phone notes or stay up way later than we should to get these words out of our heads. So many of us are fumbling through our creative process, trying to grow social media presences or hire an editor or figure out how the heck you even begin the query process. And when we come together, we are encouraged. We grow. We create.
It’s really easy to believe that your words don’t matter. That you’re too busy and there just isn’t time. That it’s just too hard right now. And maybe it is. Or maybe we just need to know that we aren’t alone and that there are hands on our backs.
Wee are so excited to invite you to join us as we tell our stories to the world.