Objective of the Mineralölwirtschaftsverband e.V. (MWV) is safeguarding and promoting of the general interests of its members in idealistic and economic terms. The tasks of the MWV are:
- Representing the petroleum industry in legal matters, in particular in the preparation of laws and regulations.
- Safeguarding adequate consideration of the industry in fiscal and customs law.
- Dealing with problems of technological standardization; collaboration in the development of safety regulations, in particular storage and transportation of hazardous goods.
- Handling all environmental matters concerning refining, transportation and storage of petroleum.
- Collecting and publishing comprehensive statistics and information brochures; preparing the petroleum statistics for Germany in cooperation with the Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA . Federal Office of Economics and Export Control).
- Member of the Working Group on Energy Balances.