We believe that investing in their leaders is the most impactful yet most commonly overlooked tool (startup-) companies have in building successful, resilient organisations.
Generic leadership trainings that don’t take into account the specific nature and challenges of venture-backed organisations can’t properly address the needs of inexperienced team leads who work under constant pressure to ship.
That’s why we started MTL as a network of professionals and coaches with operational startup background. People who have walked the walk before they talk the talk.
MTL currently offers two types of trainings:
Our custom leadership trainings for teams are built around companies’ specific values and principles. We work with founders and management teams in designing leadership principles that fit their cultures and support them in training their line management.
Our peer-coaching programs are designed to provide shared learning journeys and safe environments in which startup leaders can exchange, grow their leadership capacity and form the resilience needed to succeed in fast-moving companies. Our approach combines guided introspective work, peer consultation and hands-on case study work.
Say hi if you would like to learn more: contact@mindtheleader.com
Upcoming Program:
People Operations & HR Leaders // Summer 2018
Participants get access to:
✔ A professional, experienced peer group with leaders facing similar challenges
✔ Guided introspective work and a safe space for sharing your utmost concerns
✔ Basic coaching training
✔ Professionally facilitated coaching sessions & supervision
✔ Peer consultation on real People Operations challenges from your organisation
✔ “Emergency” group consultations in between sessions
✔ On-demand 1on1 coaching (billed separately)
✔ A trusted network of peers that will last longer and is more committed than randomly facilitated meetups
Facilitators: Anna Löw (GiantSwarm), Jenny Buch (Point9Capital), Jenny Jung (MTL)
Application Deadline: May 31st, 2018.
Apply now: www.mindtheleader.com