Mind-Body Nutrition is an exciting and timely new field that advances the practice of clinical nutrition by exploring the psycho-physiology of how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs impact nutritional metabolism and health. Originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, it goes far beyond classical nutrition by focusing on the fascinating connections between brain, body, and behavior. Simply put, what we eat is only half of the story of good nutrition. The other half is who we are as eaters.
Mind Body Nutrition reveals how stress physiology, the relaxation response, breathing, awareness, pleasure, meal timing and much more, profoundly influence digestion and calorie burning. And it offers practical and results-oriented strategies for the most commonly seen eating challenges and health issues of our times.
In our professional practice, we help people dealing with food, weight and eating behavior issues through embodiment, mindfulness, awareness, daily habits, pleasure, authenticity and personal development practices, in person or over the internet.