Mind in Haringey is the leading provider of mental health services in the London borough of Haringey.
One in four people are affected by mental health in Haringey, out of a population of 225,000 that's over 54,000 people. This includes 2,413 children and young people. There are 15,987 carers in Haringey.
We offer high quality services to local residents seeking mental health advice and support. Our Services include, counselling, advocacy and wellbeing workshops.
Mental health problems can happen to anyone and most people recover. We are committed to raising awareness of mental health issues and to tackling the stigma and discrimination that is often the biggest barrier to recovery. We support service users in their recovery by working with patients, families, carers, children and young people, professionals, and those undiagnosed with mental health conditions.
Our mission
Mind in Haringey supports the needs of everyone affected by mental health within Haringey.
Our vision
Our vision and values are:
•Understanding - to those affected by mental health in Haringey and raise awareness of condition
•Commitment - to patients, families, carers, children and young people, professionals, and those undiagnosed with mental health in Haringey
•Solutions - to provide services and support on issues for those affected by mental health in Haringey
•Partners - to work within and develop effective and successful partnerships for those affected by mental health in Haringey.