MillTechFX is an independent FX-as-a-Service enabling best execution. Designed specifically to help finance, operations, and treasury teams, we aim to significantly reduce execution and hedging costs by providing direct access to preferential rates and credit from up to 15 Tier 1 counterparty banks.
We offer a fixed fee end-to-end service model, including third-party transaction cost analysis to ensure total transparency.
MillTechFX is the fintech affiliate of Millennium Global Investments, one of the world’s largest specialist currency managers.
In 2023, MillTechFX was awarded:
- Best FX Provider at the Hedgeweek and Private Equity Wire US Credit Awards
- Best e-FX Solution for Corporates at the FX Markets e-FX Awards
- Startup of the Year at the Business Awards UK
MillTechFX is the trading name of Millennium Global Treasury Services Limited (“MGTS”), MillTechFX Europe SAS (“MTE”) and MillTechFX Americas Inc (“MTA”).
MGTS is authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 911636). MTE is authorised as an Investment Firm by the “Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR - number 16 783 (CIB)) and regulated by the ACPR and the “Autorité des Marchés Financiers” (AMF). MTA is registered with the National Futures Association as a Commodity Trading Advisor (NFA ID: 0545635).
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