We are a Los Angeles Based Talent Management Company.
We manage the careers of actors. Some of the actors on our roster are also models, athletes, voice-over artists, singers, directors, writers and producers. If you would like to submit to us please go to http://www.midwesttalent.com and read About Us then click Submit To Us. Please do not spend your money to mail us hard copy submissions only send via email.
Each of the seven talent managers here manage around 20 talent or less which allows us to give the individual attention that is needed to build acting careers.
Some of the talent that we manage have been with us for over 20 years. It is great when the manager and talent bond and both understand the mutual goals surrounding the actor. Each talent has a different skill set and has specific needs to be managed. We are here to help guide the career in every way that will help make things happen.
We as managers consider ourselves the parents of the actor's career. With that role we have a myriad of personality challenges for both the actor and the person behind the actor.
Each of the talent managers at Midwest Talent Management love their job. Every day is a new adventure servicing our talent. It gives us a smile and a great sense of nurturing as we see the careers and each person behind that career grow. We get to be proud parents. All in a good day's work.