Mid-Michigan Moms launched in 2016 and is written by and for parents who live in + around Mid-Michigan. Mid-Michigan Moms, created by moms for moms, provides a user-friendly connection to our local community and a consolidated resource for local needs. Moms in the Mid-Michigan area can now enjoy one curated singular site to be completely in the know. From locally-focused resources and guides, parenting, parks, camps, schools, product reviews, local activities, events round-ups and more, our online community wants to be your go-to resource for all things parenting in our area.
Since our launch in 2016, we have had hundreds of thousands of visitors to our website and have hosted a ton of local families at our events. Want to learn more? Head over to our website at https://midmichigan.momcollective.com! Questions or interested in learning more about how your business can get involved? Email info@midmichiganmoms.com. Thanks for stopping by - we can’t wait to hear from you!