An educational charity with a unique art collection rooted in the history of creativity in Brighton. And a mission to support and encourage local creative people and businesses.
Previously known as the University of Brighton Foundation, the Michael Aldrich Foundation is an independent charity (Charity Number 1047341) which aims to promote education, particularly arts education, in Brighton. The Foundation’s major assets are the Aldrich Collection and the Ray Watkinson Library which are both hosted by the University of Brighton.
The Aldrich Collection is a growing collection of art and design works which focuses primarily on the work of students and staff from the University of Brighton since its foundation as the Brighton School of Art in 1859. Important areas of the collection include works by John Vernon Lord, George Hardie, Brendan Neiland, Alan Davie, Quentin Blake, Kenneth McKendry and Mark Power.
The Ray Watkinson Library is a significant collection of rare books focussing on art and design history which stretches back over three centuries. The collection has a particular focus on the writings of William Morris, Pre-Raphaelite art and design, and the work and lives of wood engraver Thomas Bewick and social commentator and fine artist William Hogarth.