Meta Integration Technology, Inc. (MITI) is the leading metadata component provider to most Data Modeling (DM), Data Integration (DI/ETL), Business Intelligence (BI), Data Catalog (DC) and Data Governance (DG) software vendors. MITI has OEM agreements with IBM, Informatica, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, SAS, Qlik / Talend, Precisely, Quest / Erwin / Idera / Embarcadero. Incorporated in 1997, MITI is a 100% employee-owned company with 35 engineers. MITI is very successful, highly profitable with no debt. Over a decade ago, MITI had already been declared as the "Switzerland of Metadata" by the Giga Information Group (now Forrester). Today, Data Catalog (DC)and Data Governance (DG) applications are mission critical to obtain data quality and data trust needed for drive AI applications. MITI provides the most integrated and scalable metadata management platform for AI driven data applications.
Software Development, Computer Services, Consumer Electronics Stores, Data Management
HQ Location
650 Castro Street, Suite 220
Mountain View, CA 94041, US
metadata managementta governanceenteprise architectureta modelingta integratiobusiness intelligencetabasesbig datXMLta intelligence