Mercordi develops powerfull and sustainable alternatives to classical therapeutics, Mercordi creates nutritional solutions that empower our customers in the worldwide livestock industry, veterinarians, farmers and feed manufacturers, to reach higher production levels and increase their financial gain.
All Mercordi products are developed in close collaboration with livestock producers worldwide, and therefore offer solutions to real and relevant problems. We sell solutions, not products!
Our Mission is loud and clear:
It is our mission to complement or even replace conventional treatment, while respecting man, animals and the environment and at the same time ensuring an optimal return on investment for our client-partners.
Innovative products resulting from forward-thinking scientific research help us to achieve these goals. In this matter, our starting point has always been to rise above the mediocrity of the everyday market.
We aim to provide quality solutions to livestock producers around the world, without neglecting our responsibility in the feed-for-food chain.
Farming, Voeder en krachtvoer voor varkens, Voedsel, Landbouw & Voeding, Voeder en krachtvoer voor kippen, Dierenvoeding, veevoeders, Voeder en krachtvoer voor rundvee, Cattle feeds and feed concentrates, Food, Agriculture & Food
HQ Location
Stadsbeemd 1215
Halen, BE
Animal nutritionLive stockPoultrySwineCattleHorsesPigeonsand Multi species vitamin blends