Merchant Navy Decoded focuses on imparting correct and reliable information to all aspirants seeking to join the Maritime Industry.
In an effort to make the Maritime Profession significantly transparent and to provide right guidance to all budding merchant navy candidates, Chief Engineer, Praneet Mehta, laid the foundation of Merchant Navy Decoded.
It not only highlights the key issues concerning the Seafaring Community but also addresses the same by providing insightful content about every aspect pertaining to the Maritime Domain. With an array of outstanding Technical and Non-Technical Knowledge-Based videos on its platform, Merchant Navy Decoded provides a meticulous, intricate and all-inclusive view of the entire Maritime Sector.
Aimed at building a safe ecosystem for GME Aspirants, Marine Engineering Students, Diploma in Marine Engineering students, Deck Cadets, DNS Aspirants, IMUCET Aspirants, Electro-Technical Officer GP Rating, Merchant Navy Decoded directs all its endeavours towards providing genuine information about Shipping Companies, Colleges and updated facts about the Shipping Industry and Marine Profession.