Media-mix Enterprise Ltd. is a Marketing, Strategic Communication and Consulting Agency. It is a US-BD joint venture, registered with joint stock in Bangladesh and UK. Media-mix takes pride in employing and maintaining association with a skilled set of people coming from diverse professional backgrounds like media, research, training, advocacy, corporate world etc.
Media-mix has two core divisions;
• Marketing Communication
• Social Communication
These two divisions are supported by;
• Creative Division
• Admin and Finance Division
Services of Commercial Communication Division:
Brandvertising (ATL & BTL)
Rural Marketing
Market Research
Specialized Services:
Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion,
Corporate & Internal Communications,
Human Resources Consulting
Sponsorship, Design
New Communications Techniques
Media Planning & Buying
Media Investment Management Consulting
Services of Social Communication Division:
Develop Strategic Communication and Advocacy Plan
Implement large scale Communication Programs and Projects
Developing and Printing of IPC & Outreach / Advocacy Materials
Advocacy and Communication Training
Message Development
Development feature writing
Creative development of communication concepts & script writing
Media planning for Campaigns
Documentary Production
Theater/Folk based communication for social awareness
Community Mobilization & Media Campaign
Monitoring and Evaluation of large scale community communication campaigns