Media Press Promotions is first a kiosk sales vendor for print media. Over the years Media Press has become the industry leader in innovation and technology. Media Press Promotions sets themselves apart from the competition in a few areas.
Media Press has successfully developed an operating strategy geared towards capturing younger audiences. We deliver a message based on cause and alignment with the client vision. Younger audiences buy in to become a part of something important. This transcends hollow presentations and empty promises.
Media Press also creates competitive advantage through software design. These technologies make operations more process driven, and yield better results in the areas of recruitment and performance tracking.
Building off of our technological breakthroughs, Media Press also generates leads with deep data profiles while conducting kiosk campaigns. The lead generation process can be customized per campaign, to get the most out of the people we meet but cannot convert on a first pass.
Our evolved operating strategy creates advantage within our campaigns. Kiosk sales no longer relies upon a kiosk or table for campaign completion. Our agents can sell anywhere that we are allowed to stand.