Maxima Vein Care

Interventional Radiology, Medical Consultancy Services, Medical Consultants & Clinics
Maxima Vein Care We provide the latest endovenous laser technology of 1470nm diode laser which is a unique and complete solution for varicose veins. *We use the latest state of art endovenous laser technology for varicose veins ablation which has proved to be a unique and minimally invasive outpatient procedure with excellent cosmetic and clinical results. The endovenous laser treatment has added advantage of treatment under ultrasound guidance under local anesthesia and actual visualization of venous ablation under ultrasound guidance. This reduces the rehabilitation time markedly & provides excellent clinical results. The procedure is carried out under strict aspect precautions with the help of trained staff. *We provide GSV, SSV This unique procedure is performed by Dr. Rahul B. Jadhav who is a interventional radiologist and specializes in both vascular and non-vascular interventions under imaging guidance. He holds bachelor degree in medicine and surgery and is also a gold medalist in diploma in Radiogdiagnosis from the prestigious Pune University. He also holds a degree of diplomate of radiogdiagnosis awarded by National Board of Examination, New Delhi. He has been trained extensively in the field of interventional radiology at Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai. He has done research in the treatment of venous insufficiencies and specializes in the latest endovenous laser treatment of varicose veins. He is also specialized in both neuroradiological and peripheral vascular & non-vascular interventional procedures. *We provide endovenous ablation treatment of great Saphenous vein, small Saphenous vein, branch varicosities, venous ulcers.
Year Founded
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Interventional Radiology, Medical Consultancy Services, Medical Consultants & Clinics, Hospital,Clinic & Consultation
HQ Location
Parakh Hospital, Khokani Lane, Opposite Railway Station, Ghatkopar East, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai-400086, Maharashtra, India
  • Parakh Hospital, Khokani Lane, Opposite Railway Station, Ghatkopar East, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai-400086, Maharashtra, India

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Interventional Radiology, Medical Consultancy Services, Medical Consultants & Clinics

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